Our Services

Dutchman Marine Audits & Consultancy offers a wide range of consulting services to serve a variety of businesses and clients. Whether you’re a small vessel owner or a large shipping company, we can help you reach new levels of success. Get in touch with us today to learn more about our services and what our team can do for you. The focus of the company is to provide professional, flexible and cost effective solutions tailored to clients’ requirements with particular focus on all kinds of maritime related Audits and inspections.The core business is to assist operators with various types of compliance inspections and vetting as well as on-hire & off-hire surveys and pre-purchase condition surveys, chemical tanker attendance with respect to preparation of cargo tanks/ Specialized cargo surveys, SMS review and assistance, SIRE/CDI/PSC Inspections, Best Practices and Management on board Merchant Ships with cost effective Training Solutions. All services under one roof with state of art reports and checklists/ reports.

Remote Navigational Audits and Behaviour Analysis

Detailed Remote Navigational Audits to focus on human errors and competency assessments of on board Navigating officers and compliance to best practices, with in depth monitoring of Navigational practices on board your vessels, Complete analysis carried out by team of Master Mariners and reviewed prior finalisation of reports in order to achieve results basis Best Navigational Practices and in accordance with industry regulations, the program includes personal interviews and assessments as well as can be clubbed with Psychometric evaluations, In this Pandemic time this is the best cost effective solution available for clients.

Remote VDR Analysis

Detailed VDR ANALYSIS for your operational needs, with in depth monitoring of Navigational practices on board your vessels, Complete analysis carried out by team of Master Mariners and reviewed prior finalisation of reports in order to achieve results basis Best Navigational Practices and in accordance with industry regulations, our team is in touch with technical service providers for each VDR / SVDR makers also.

Pre Vetting Tankers

With an extensive experience in this field we assist vessels and staff with best Pre vetting services and assistance in order to avoid un necessary observations during SIRE/ CDI inspections and to achieve better resultsDuring a Pre-vetting Inspection we visit the vessel and perform an in-depth inspection covering all areas on board in relation to the SIRE Vetting program with special focus on the Vessel Inspection Questionnaire (VIQ) in order to prepare the vessel for an upcoming vetting.The overall objective is not only to achieve best results, but also to ensure that such kind of observations are to be avoided by following correct practices in future.All departments on board the vessel are assisted during our visit and assisted as per SIRE VIQ, Vessel Operator is updated on daily basis.The vessel Operator is provided with a detailed report with recommendations not later than 48 hours after completion of the Pre-vetting Inspection. The Master is provided with a summary and guidance prior to the inspector leaving the vessel.

We have inspected more than 500 tankers and have attended and assisted the vessel’s with inspections and maintained out KPI below 1 observations per inspection

Pre Vetting / Safety Inspections Cargo Ships

Our Team is Well experienced attendance and preparations of all kind of cargo ships for preparations of RightShip as well as CDI inspections which is now becoming popular for cargo ships specially bulk carriers, Complete Risk Assessments is carried out for the vessel prior preparing her for any kind of Inspections

Virtual On Board Trainings

We are Masters in On board trainings as we target our audience(ships crew) with live examples and case studies and eventually make up subject very simple to understand as well as interactive sessions to retain the core message. Our team has been commended for our distinct style of imparting training to on board Multi nationality crew/ officers of Maritime industry. We have specialized ourselves in public speaking which is the most effective and confident tool during On Board TrainingsWe have created our own presentation programs/ materials to aid and facilitate training modules comprising of more than 100 topics

SMS Review and Manuals/ Plans

Our team has been involved in not only Implementation of SMS during take overs and Management change overs, but also we hold a strength is reviewing existing procedures with constantly updated industry regulations. We also assist Operators with setting up of SOPEP/SMPEP, Garbage Manual, Mooring Management Manuals, Line Management plans, Ship specific Training Manuals, setting of complete SMS system

SMS Audits and Inspections

We have a team of certified internal auditors, who carry out in depth gap analysis and assists in corrective actions as per your SMS needs

Pre-Purchase condition surveys, New Yard Deliveries and Management Changeover Vessel Attendance

We have an collective experience of more than 70 vessels for new delivery from yards and also management change overs including change of ownership / flag class etc. We expertise in Pre purchase condition surveys as per requirements

Chemical Tankers and Oil tankers Attendance / Tank cleaning / Preparations / Cargo Expeditors

Specialized and expert Chemical tanker MastersSpecialized and expert Oil Tanker/ VLCC MastersFor any service required in Cargo handling, Tank cleaning, Tank preparations, Dry dock preparations, Cargo expeditors as per charterers needs


We sail on board your vessels for short times to audit the operations in a Real time basis and assess competence and knowledge level of officers and crew on board your vessels.