Program Highlights

Remote Navigational Audit Features…

  • Involvement of complete bridge team in the Audit
  • Psychometric Evaluations by Certified Psychiatrists (Optional)
  • In line with OCIMF requirements “Behavioural Competency Assessment and Verification”
  • In Compliance with Company and Industry regulations
  • Adherence with requirements of BTM/ BPG / SIRE
  • Individual assessments of complete Bridge Team
  • On spot Training on short comings
  • Tailor made specific to suit company SMS
  • Adjustable as per Vessel’s schedule and operations
  • Detailed assessments reports on Procedures compliance, Soft skills, BTM Techniques, Officers Competency and Knowledge, Adherence to Best Practices
  • All live sessions are recorded for later review by Oil Majors, Auditors.

Remote VDR Audit Features….

  • Involvement of all available bridge team in the Audit
  • Actual real time practices audited
  • In line with OCIMF requirements “VDR Audits”
  • In Compliance with Company and Industry regulations
  • Adherence with requirements of BTM/ BPG / SIRE
  • Real time scenarios in critical operations with response of bridge team is verified
  • Detailed recording of events and all observations are supported by video evidence
  • Detailed assessments reports on Procedures compliance, Soft skills, BTM Techniques, Officers Competency and Knowledge, Adherence to Best Practices
  • One of the best detailed reports in the industry